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Projects & Initiatives

Our mission at the Memphis 13 Foundation is to keep the legacy of the Memphis 13 alive and relevant, fostering an understanding of their pioneering role in desegregation. Our various projects and initiatives are key to this endeavor:

  1. Teaching the Memphis 13 Curriculum: Our collaborative curriculum project aims to instill an understanding and appreciation for the struggles and triumphs of the Memphis 13 in the minds of young students.

    • Working closely with the University of Memphis and the Memphis-Shelby County School District, we've created a comprehensive, thought-provoking curriculum unit that takes students through the story of the Memphis 13. This learning module uses the Memphis 13's experiences as a lens to view the broader Civil Rights Movement, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the era's social justice efforts.

    • The curriculum was carefully designed by a diverse group of educators, curriculum advisors, and members of the Memphis 13. This collaborative approach ensures the curriculum accurately represents the experiences and legacy of the Memphis 13, providing students with a genuine insight into the historic event. 

  2. Professional Development Workshops: To ensure effective implementation of the curriculum, we host professional development workshops for educators. These sessions give teachers the necessary tools and guidance to incorporate the Memphis 13 curriculum into their lesson plans effectively.

    • The workshops are held both in-person and virtually, making them accessible to educators nationwide. Each session covers how to teach the curriculum, exploring classroom activities, and discussing the resources available on the TPS Teachers Network website. This hands-on experience enables teachers to confidently navigate the curriculum and its associated resources, ensuring a successful learning experience for students.

  3. Memphis FilmWorks Project: Commemorating the Memphis 13 – 60 Years Later: In recognition of the 60th anniversary of the school desegregation, we embarked on our most ambitious project yet: a documentary film capturing the journey of the surviving members of the Memphis 13.

    • This extended project aims to reveal how the Memphis and Shelby County schools have chosen to commemorate this important event in our local and national history. The film also delves into the personal experiences of the surviving Memphis 13 members, documenting their reflections, stories, and ongoing civil rights work. This initiative not only honors their legacy but also inspires new generations to be proactive agents of social justice. 

Join us on this journey as we continue to honor and share the remarkable story of the Memphis 13, their impact on our nation's history, and their enduring legacy of courage and change.

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